;; dot-gnus-bbdb.el --- BBDB-related stuff for Gnus.

;; Automatically create BBDB entries for posts in almost all groups.

;; This is complicated, because we need the `news-auto-create-p' variable to be
;; buffer-local, as we may well visit a mail group with BBDB-creation and a normal
;; one at the same time, and we do not want them to interfere with each other.
;; In a sane world we could just make the `bbdb/news-auto-create-p' variable
;; buffer-local, and it would just work; but unfortunately BBDB looks at the
;; value of that variable in the *article* buffer. So we have to advise the
;; function that does that lookup, suck the value of the variable out of the
;; summary buffer, and locally bind it. Dynamic scope is sometimes *so* useful...

(make-variable-buffer-local 'bbdb/news-auto-create-p)

(defsubst nix-backwards-string-match (string regexp)
  "Like `string-match', but with inverted arguments."
  (string-match regexp string))

(defadvice bbdb/gnus-update-records (around nix-bbdb-use-summary-buffer-news-auto-create-p activate preactivate)
  "Propagate the value of `news-auto-create-p' from the Summary buffer.
This allows it to be buffer-local there, so that we can have different values of
this variable in different simultaneously active Summary buffers."
  (let ((bbdb/news-auto-create-p
         (symbol-value-in-buffer 'bbdb/news-auto-create-p gnus-summary-buffer)))

(defun nix-select-group-create-bbdb ()
  "Set up this group to automatically create BBDB entries, if necessary.
Must be called from the `gnus-select-group-hook'."
  (setq bbdb/news-auto-create-p
        (if (and gnus-newsgroup-name
                 (not (member* gnus-newsgroup-name '("nnml:blockbox" "nnml:spambox" "nnmh:spambox-verified" "fm.announce"
                                                     "rec.humor.funny.reruns" "rec.humor.oracle") :test 'string=))
                 (not (member* gnus-newsgroup-name '("^nndoc:") :test 'nix-backwards-string-match)))
            'bbdb-ignore-some-messages-hook nil)))

;; Disable Gnus popups entirely in certain groups with high levels of forgery
;; (read: spam groups).

(defvar nix-bbdb-suppressed-groups '("nnml:blockbox" "nnml:spambox" "nnmh:spambox-verified")
  "A list of newsgroups in which the BBDB is entirely deactivated.")

(defadvice bbdb/gnus-pop-up-bbdb-buffer (around nix-bbdb-suppress-bbdb activate preactivate)
  "Suppress all BBDB operations in specific newsgroups."
  (when (not (member gnus-newsgroup-name nix-bbdb-suppressed-groups))

;; People seen in personal mail should have `permanent' set to `t' in their BBDB
;; entry, so that they are never expired.

;; We need the same sort of ugly hack here to propagate the value of
;; `nix-bbdb-make-permanent' to the right functions as we needed for
;; `bbdb/gnus-update-record'.

(defvar nix-bbdb-make-permanent nil
  "All BBDB records accessed while this is non-nil should be preserved forever.
You should bind or locally set this variable, never set it globally.")

(defun nix-bbdb-maybe-make-permanent (record)
  "Make sure that the RECORD never expires."
  (if (and nix-bbdb-make-permanent
           (not (bbdb-record-getprop record 'permanent)))
      (bbdb-record-putprop record 'permanent "t")))

(add-hook 'bbdb-notice-hook 'nix-bbdb-maybe-make-permanent)

(defadvice bbdb-annotate-message-sender (around nix-bbdb-use-summary-buffer-nix-bbdb-make-permanent activate preactivate)
  "Propagate the value of `nix-bbdb-make-permanent' from the Summary buffer.
This allows it to be buffer-local there, so that we can have different values of
this variable in different simultaneously active Summary buffers."
  (let ((nix-bbdb-make-permanent
         (symbol-value-in-buffer 'nix-bbdb-make-permanent gnus-summary-buffer)))

(defun nix-select-group-permanent-bbdb ()
  "BBDB entries seen in certain groups are never expired at all."
  (if (string= gnus-newsgroup-name "nnml:Mailbox")
      (progn (make-local-variable 'nix-bbdb-make-permanent)
             (setq nix-bbdb-make-permanent t))))

(add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook 'nix-select-group-create-bbdb)
(add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook 'nix-select-group-permanent-bbdb)

;; Support BBDB for all mail sending, even querying in the minibuffer

(define-key message-minibuffer-local-map (kbd "<TAB>") 'bbdb-complete-name)

(provide 'dot-gnus-bbdb)