;; dot-gnus-sa.el --- SpamAssassin-related stuff for Gnus

;; Show the SpamAssassin score of mails in mail groups

(defvar nix-spam-checked-groups '("nnml:Mailbox"
  "The set of groups in which spam-checked mails may be placed.")

(add-to-list 'gnus-extra-headers 'X-Spam-Status)
(setq nnmail-extra-headers gnus-extra-headers)

(defun nix-select-group-show-spam-score ()
  "Show the SpamAssassin score of mails in this group, if it is a mail group.
Only those groups given in `nix-spam-checked-groups' are checked.

Must be called from the `gnus-select-group-hook'."
  (and (member gnus-newsgroup-name nix-spam-checked-groups)
       (not (gnus-group-find-parameter (or gnus-newsgroup-name "")
       (gnus-group-add-parameter gnus-newsgroup-name
                                 '(gnus-summary-line-format "%U%R%2,2ub%5,5us%5t%z%I%(%[%4L: %-20,20uB%]%) %s\n"))))

(defun nix-return-spamassassin-score (header)
  "Given a Gnus message header HEADER, return an indication of the spam score."
  (let ((sa-score-header (gnus-extra-header 'X-Spam-Status header)))
    ;; Is the header is a real SA header?
      (if (string-match "\\(hits\\|score\\)=\\([^ ]*\\)" sa-score-header)
          (substring sa-score-header (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
        " "))))

(defalias 'gnus-user-format-function-s 'nix-return-spamassassin-score)

(add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook 'nix-select-group-show-spam-score)

;; Mail-specific stuff.

;; Allow easy reporting of mail to duplicate-checking agents (Razor, Pyzor, DCC, &c)
;; via SpamAssassin, and removal from the SpamAssassin autowhitelist.

(defsubst nix-pipe-article-somewhere (command &optional report-buffer temp-buffer background)
  "Pipe the current article through some COMMAND.
Optionally use a specific TEMP-BUFFER and report the output
in a particular REPORT-BUFFER.  If the piping happens in the BACKGROUND,
output is discarded."
  (let ((report-buffer (or report-buffer "*Article Pipe Output*"))
        (command (if background
                     (concat "perl -e 'my $mail; while (<>) { $mail .= $_; } open STDIN, \"/dev/null\" or die \"Cannot read from /dev/null\"; open STDOUT, \">/dev/null\" or die \"Cannot write to /dev/null\"; defined (my $ret=fork()) or die \"Cannot fork: $!\"; exit if $ret; setsid; open STDERR, \">&STDOUT\" or die \"Cannot dup stdout: $!\"; open OUT,\"|"
                             command "\" or die \"Subprocess fork failed: $!\"; print OUT $mail;'")
      (when gnus-original-article-buffer
        (with-current-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer
          (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) command
                                   (get-buffer-create report-buffer))))))

;; All the sshing is to cater for a single host where SA is known to work;
;; bugs in Perl 5.8.0 and UltraSPARC prevent it from working on most of my
;; machines. (Why didn't they write it in elisp? ;} )

(defun nix-report-spam ()
  "Report the current message as spam."
  (nix-pipe-article-somewhere "ssh spamfilter spamassassin -r" "*Spam Reporting*" nil t))

(defun nix-report-spam-all ()
  "Report all messages in the current group as spam."
  (let* ((group-method (gnus-find-method-for-group gnus-newsgroup-name))
         (group-directory (concat
                            ((eq (car group-method) 'nnml)
                             (cadr (assq 'nnml-directory group-method)))
                            ((eq (car group-method) 'nnmh)
                             (cadr (assq 'nnmh-directory group-method)))
                             (error 'unimplemented "reporting non-nnml/nnmh-style newsgroups")))
                           (gnus-group-real-name gnus-newsgroup-name))))
    (background (concat "ssh spamfilter spamassassin -r " group-directory) "*Spam Reporting*")))

(defun nix-revoke-spam ()
  "Report that current message is not spam after all.
Only revokes from Razor and the Bayes database, as other mechanisms have
no revocation mechanism and because revocation is not worthwhile for
mechanisms with no trust web."
  (nix-pipe-article-somewhere "ssh spamfilter spamassassin -d | razor-revoke" "*Spam Reporting*")
  (nix-pipe-article-somewhere "ssh spamfilter sa-learn --forget --single --sync >/dev/null" "*Spam Reporting*"))

(defun nix-excise-addresses ()
  "Excise the addresses in the current message from the autowhitelists."
  (nix-pipe-article-somewhere "ssh spamfilter spamassassin -R" "*Spam Reporting*"))

;; When we expire or delete mails from groups where SA-scanned mails end up,
;; we should --forget them from the Bayes database too.

(defun nix-select-group-expire-forgets ()
  "When a mail is deleted, SA and other learning systems should forget about it.
This only applies to those groups given in `nix-spam-checked-groups'.

Must be called from the `gnus-select-group-hook'."
  (and (member gnus-newsgroup-name nix-spam-checked-groups)
       (not (gnus-group-find-parameter (or gnus-newsgroup-name "")
       (gnus-group-add-parameter gnus-newsgroup-name
                                 '(expiry-target 'nix-forget-mail))))

(defun nix-forget-mail (group)
  "Forget the mail in the current message."
  (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "ssh spamfilter sa-learn --forget --single --no-sync")
  (and (boundp 'nix-sa-db-rebuild-needed) (setq nix-sa-db-rebuild-needed t))
  (message "Forgotten a message.")

(defadvice gnus-request-expire-articles (around nix-rebuild-after-group-expire-articles activate preactivate)
  "Rebuild the SA Bayes database if expiry took place."
  (let ((nix-sa-db-rebuild-needed))
    (if nix-sa-db-rebuild-needed
        (shell-command "ssh spamfilter sa-learn --sync > /dev/null"))))

(add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook 'nix-select-group-expire-forgets)

(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "A-s r") 'nix-report-spam)
(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "A-s w") 'nix-excise-addresses)
(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "<XF86Mail>") 'nix-report-spam)
(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "M-<XF86Mail>") 'nix-report-spam-all)
(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "A-<XF86Mail>") 'nix-revoke-spam)

(provide 'dot-gnus-sa)