XEmacs Personal Configuration

This is my personal configuration for XEmacs. It's almost as large as the site-wide configuration, and it is substantially more complex. It changes the `default look' of XEmacs a hell of a lot.

First, there's code which is useful at initialization, and only then; it sets lots of hooks and so forth.

All the paths here are relative to my home directory.

.emacs (source)
This loads in a lot of other files, and does some miscellaneous work:
lisp/init-prog-modes.el (source)
This sets my C coding style to be used in directories which are nominally `personal' (where the GNU coding standards don't need to apply), turns on `hideshow' (making XEmacs a folding editor), turns on `checkdoc' mode (to check my Lisp code's documentation for stylistic errors), and provides code to automatically transform all my Lisp code to HTML; indeed, the very HTML you're reading here. (Well, not actually this bit; this bit was hand-crafted. But all the other bits.)
lisp/init-message-modes.html (source)
This does all mail and news configuration that could apply to MUAs/newsreaders other than Gnus 5.8 and above. It sets fill columns, tells the Insidious Big Brother Database what my email addresses are, loads the bbdb-expire code, and teaches BBDB how to demangle some people's email addresses.
.gnus.el (source)
dot-gnus-articles.el (source)
dot-gnus-bbdb.el (source)
dot-gnus-colourization.el (source)
dot-gnus-mail.el (source)
dot-gnus-sa.el (source)
This vastly overblown pile of Gnus configuration files does many things: There are lots of other fiddles that aren't described here, too.

Everything below here is fairly boring Lisp support code.

lisp/nixlist.el (source)
This provides functions to splice elements into the middle of lists, and produce the power set of some list. (Or at least the almost-but-not-quite power set. I wrote this for a single purpose and never fixed the bugs in it.)
lisp/auto-edit-substitute.el (source)
This provides one function, `auto-edit-substitute', which provides a rough analogue of sed, in Lisp, but with more power. It gives the ability to carry out truly arbitrary transformations on arbitrarily marked regions of files.
lisp/timeclock-visualize.el (source)
This lengthy piece of code contains a function to transform a given week's timesheet entries in John Wiegley's timeclock.el into an HTML timesheet, a function that uses that to generate a webpage containing a timesheet for a given week (including the non-timesheet-related markup), and a function that keeps an index of timesheets up to date (including creating new timesheets for weeks that exist in the raw log, but don't exist in the index). I use this code at work and transferred it back to the home net for no clear reason.


Last modified: Fri Aug 17 21:33:30 BST 2007